Worship Matters Intensive, Sydney - Recap


About a week ago, we had the privilege of having Bob Kauflin and David Zimmer from Sovereign Grace Music out in Australia to run a Worship Matters Intensive for worship leaders from all across Sydney. We also had applicants fly in from Perth, the Philippines and Japan!

It was a tremendous three days filled with teaching, worship and the fostering of new friendships. Over the course of the intensive, Bob taught on what God’s Word says about music and singing as a form of worship and how to best serve our congregations in this sphere. Each applicant also had the opportunity to lead a set to be reviewed by Bob, David and the other applicants. Overall, it was a time of encouragement, teaching, building up and the equipping of saints for the work of ministry in each of their local churches.

We are so grateful to Bob and David for giving up their time and efforts to serve these men and in turn, their churches

SG Parra Admin