Podcast: Season 1 Complete

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In the first season of the ‘Grace and the Adventure of Leadership Podcast’ Dave Taylor and Riley Spring discussed seven traits of a gospel centered leader. They wanted to focus their time and attention on character before getting into any strategies or pragmatics.

We’ve seen that when we are fueled and formed by the glorious realities of the gospel we will become more and more: humble, godly, joyful, interdependent, generous, serving, and encouraging. Who doesn’t want to be led by someone like that?

We’ve had great feedback from leaders all around the world as to how this content has encouraged them. If you’d like to pass on how this has blessed you or if you’ve got any questions or comments please review our podcast or send an email to rs@sovgrace.org.au.

How can you best utilize this podcast? I recommend listening to it with a bible and pen in hand, taking note of the Scriptures and reflecting upon them. Perhaps, you can listen to it with a friend or with someone you’re mentoring.

Season 2 is already being recorded and in this season we are going to look practically at what it looks like to have a gospel centered church!

Dave Taylor