Pastor's College Class of 2021


Sovereign Grace Churches has Pastor’s College based in Louisville Kentucky which enables churches to send men (young and old) with their families to receive a 10-month training program to help prepare and sharpen them in Pastoral Ministry. You do not need to go to the PC to be a Pastor in Sovereign Grace but it is an amazing program that is incredibly beneficial if possible!

Below is a report from Jeff Purswell, the dean of the Pastor’s College and the Director of Theology from Sovereign Grace.

Earlier this month, the Pastors College held its 22nd annual graduation exercises. It was a great joy to celebrate with these students and their families, who had left the routine and familiar to invest their lives in a rigorous course of study, training, and personal growth—all in order to glorify Christ and serve his church. This year’s class comprised 10 students from six different churches in three states,  including one international student. These couples brought with them 14 children—two of which were born just prior to arriving in Louisville. One student—Josh Varnedoe (who arrived with his new bride Melanie three days after their wedding!)—was a 2nd generation PC student; his father Howard, an elder in our Franklin, TN church, graduated from the Pastors College in 2000. 

Once again, we marveled in observing the grace of God in the lives of these students and their families. And once again, it was sad to say goodbye to yet another group of folks who had become dearly loved friends. But we do so with great faith, eager to observe all the ways the Lord will use them to proclaim the gospel, to strengthen local churches, and to care for countless others in this nation and beyond. 

Congratulations to the 2021 Pastors College graduates! 

Please pray for them as they relocate and serve in local Sovereign Grace churches:

Dave Taylor