Introducing Our New Leadership Podcast

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We are very excited to launch a new podcast, ‘Grace and the Adventure of Leadership’! This podcast is designed to help cultivate church leaders who are fueled and formed by the realities of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is so easy to look primarily to the world and not the word for our models, plans, and strategies for leadership. Instead, we believe that the Bible is the best book for understanding how to lead a church and more than that, that at the center of all good leadership is knowing and understanding the gospel!

The title of the podcast comes from a famous sermon by our founder, C.J. Mahaney, which he preached over two decades ago. His sermon can be found here. In it, he looks at how a proper understanding of the grace of God fundamentally changes how you lead your church, taken from 1 Corinthians 1. And we thought it would be a great title to reflect what we are hoping to do.

We want GRACE to be at the centre of the adventure of our leadership.

We want to see new and old leaders refreshed in the gospel and how it ought to impact all of their ministry and life.

We want these episodes to help raise up future church planters, encourage lonely pastors, and train lay leaders.

Our hope is that this is a small way we can help the church in Australia to lead more faithfully and joyfully!

Have a listen to our trailer below!

Dave Taylor