All Of Our Tomorrows


2020 has been a year like no other in recent memory. Who isn’t looking to 2021 with expectation and relief? But unless our hope for a new year is grounded in something more than wishes, good intentions, and resolve, we have no reason to think that the new year will make us any more secure, happy, or well-off.

The foundation for our hope lies in one place: the promises of God revealed fully to us in the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. If God would give his only Son to pay for our sins, how will he not also give us every good thing? (Rom. 8:32) Even when those “good things” don’t look like what we expected, we can be confident they come from a wise, sovereign, and loving Father.

Thousands of years ago, David said, ““Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalm 139:16) God knows every one of our days and holds them in his hand before we even live them.

This past year one of the Sovereign Grace songwriters, Dave Fournier, brought a set of lyrics to our songwriting retreat called, “All of Our Tomorrows,” eventually set to a beautiful tune by Ryan Foglesong. The song is a prayer that acknowledges and prays for God’s careful, wise, personal, and faithful involvement in the lives of those Christ has redeemed. It speaks to our need for guidance in the future, comfort in loss, and strength for all our days.

We recorded a simple video of the song this year and plan to record a full version next year. We pray God would use this song and the truth it proclaims as a means of faith, comfort, and hope for all of your tomorrows.


Dave Taylor